
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Silver Clay Rings -- Strap Band and Wire

I finally got around to working on the strap band ring I made in Kate McKinnon's workshop. The band is 10 cards thick, cut as a flat strap, fired then formed, inserted into a wet clay slab. I got that much completed in class, but the ring has been sitting on my worktable for a couple of weeks.

Yesterday, I cut a thin circle with my bird texture and attached it to the top. Then I domed an open ring (actually two, since I underestimated the needed size on the first) and set that over the texture. Two hours in the kiln, some finish work, and a quick layer of turquoise resin gave me this hefty ring.

I'm not much into rings usually, but this was so fun and easy, I might have to do a few more.

And I formed the heavy 12 gauge wire ring, with silver clay bird and flower added to the ends. Even easier!