
Monday, August 30, 2010

Forget about Perfect

Today's choice from Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto of Growth:

2. Forget about good.
Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on. Growth is not necessarily good. Growth is an exploration of unlit recesses that may or may not yield to our research. As long as you stick to good you'll never have real growth.

I'm coupling that with #8 from Bob Parsons' 16 Rules to Live By: Be quick to decide.

I have this perfectionism streak. I get stuck because I can't do things exactly the way I want them. Sometimes I procrastinate because I can't figure out an acceptable solution. When something breaks it can shut me down until it's fixed. I hate that!

Since my oxygen source is out of commission, I need to make do with what I have available. I can't do double-beaded connections, so I'll just have to wire wrap, which is certainly easier. I don't like the look as much, but this is about getting started again, not about being perfect.

It seems like the opportune time to use up old supplies, such as fancy headpins for the flower centers. It took a few minutes of fussing to figure out how to make things hang right, but now I can think about variations on this simple flower earring idea.

It feels so much better to have it finished, rather than still waiting on the equipment repair, which sounds like it will involve shipping to the manufacturer, unless I decide to play scientist and look at it myself. Wonder where I can buy a can of molecular sieve???

P.S. Funny echo in the calculus lecture this morning (we're using Thinkwell for our homeschool calculus, because Ed Berger is an incredibly gifted teacher): If you can't do something, DON'T! Do something easier. See how many parallels there are between science and art?