
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Ring a Week 1/52

Speaking of being sucked into challenges! Last year I was insanely jealous of the treasures posted in the Ring a Day challenge, but knew for certain at the beginning of the year that 2010 was not a year that I could make such a commitment. So this year I was pleased to see a more moderate challenge, a ring per week. I decided to honor my desire from last year and take on another challenge. Normally, I'm not much of a challenge type. I prefer to do what I want to do, so the only way to suck me in is to make the challenge align with my own intrinsic direction.

I started off with a simple project, utilizing a piece that has been lying on my bench since August. There were some issues with the fine silver bezel that made it not work for mounting the enameled copper dome that was intended, so it was tabled. Polymer clay allowed me to cope with those issues, quickly finish the ring (a plus this busy first week), and still keep in step with my usual body of work.

To see the offerings of the 200+ members of the Ring a Week challenge, check out the Ring a Week Flickr account.