
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ring a Week 2/52

Here it is late Sunday evening and I'm just squeezing in under my (self-imposed) deadline to post my second ring for the Ring a Week challenge. I've thought about this off and on all week, but there just was no time to work on it until today. So I built it this afternoon, fired it after dinner, and finally buffed it up a bit and popped it into the photo tent. Only to find that the camera battery is almost dead, and I didn't really polish it well enough (it's too dim in my studio at the moment). But these photos will have to do, because I can't remember where I put the battery charger.

I used heavy fine silver wire for the shank, embedded into a pad of moist clay attached to the underside of a mismatched lentil bead. The texture is from a rubber stamp made from one of my line drawings. There's a faint relief of a similar design on the back (tear-away), the filed edge finish I love so much, a bit of syringe beading around the junction between pad and lentil, and my logo, of course.