
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bird a Week #6

This week I'm feeling inspired, I guess. I have a glass workshop tomorrow with the inimitable Sara Sally LaGrand, and I'm also headed out of town on Sunday and Monday for a quick Valentine's getaway with my dear husband. Consequently I'm finishing up all sorts of work early to make room in my schedule.

I chose one of the unfinished two-page spreads in my journal, where the spirals and quail were in place, but everything else needed completion. I searched through my list of bird quotations for one that fit my mood. Vision seems to be the appropriate concept, as I've been interviewing contractors for an upcoming kitchen remodel.

What started out as granite countertops and new backsplash soon morphed into new, non-builder grade appliances and then replacements for the cheap white thermofoil cabinets. Why replace everything else and leave the lowest of the low behind? The vinyl coating several years ago went completely yellow and received a coat of paint to restore the white. Now the paint has worn through around the knobs on high use doors and the vinyl coating is starting to release on edges. It costs half as much to sand these particle board constructions down and repaint as it does to get brand new, real wood cabinets designed to my specifications!

Lots of work though to make decisions, the first of which is a contractor. Who do I choose? The little guy who really wants the job and has already gone out of his way to bring his carpenter subcontractor out to discuss ideas with me? Or the big guy who is doing my neighbor's remodel (coming up on five weeks of work and several more to go) and tells me I should hire him because they are big, have their own in-house people (no subcontractors) and the everyone including the major uses them? Dare I get one more bid or will that just confuse the issue? So many questions keeping me up at night.

At any rate, the latest journal entry is finished. See all the other pages on my Flickr page (link to the right) and visit the other Bird a Week participants here: