
Monday, February 28, 2011

Bird a Week #9

I'm just returned home from a week with my father (he is doing well -- tired and weak, but so very lucky to have caught the kidney cancer while still confined and to have apparently dodged even temporary dialysis). I'm trying to catch up with the house, after leaving the high school/college teen home alone. He did a great job, but a teenage boy's idea of a clean house is different than mine.

I am ahead on my bird journal, though, so I thought I'd jump in and post my Bird a Week entry early this week, to allow me time later to try to catch up on other commitments. This quote seemed quite apropos to my father, who it trying to sell his home in the midst of his recovery. Whether we wish to or not, sometimes we just have to move forward.

Check out the new blog hop links and visit the Bird a Week Flickr group.