
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm Presenting at the PMC Guild Conference 2012!

As you may know, the final conference ever for the PMC Guild is coming up next summer. After the conference, the Guild is disbanding, so this is should be an especially bittersweet meeting. The program has just been posted, and I'm honored to announce that I'll be abetting Barbara Becker Simon with a demonstration on combining glass with metal clay.

Tim McCreight introduced the team demos last year and they were a big hit. Essentially, the two presenters trade off fast and furious demonstrations for an hour, leaving room for questions as well as entertainment. Barbara and I will try to present an interesting array of ways to combine glass with metal clay, while avoiding the most predictable and well known.

Amongst the speakers: Keynote Speaker Ellen Wieske, Tim McCreight, Jeanette Landenwitch,  Elizabeth Agte, Lisa Cain, Susan Dilger, Celie Fago (w/ Ellen Wieske), Holly Gage, Lora Hart, Hadar Jacobson, Donna Penoyer, Helga van Leipsig. Other demonstrators by Chris Darway and Terry Kowalcik, and a Japanese artist to be announced.