
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

The big day is almost here, and I have at last admitted that no more will get done. There's only so much time for decorating and cooking, and then I must just stop and enjoy it the way it is.

No, the draperies for the new family room will not get made before Christmas, but there's always next year.

I can enjoy the fun I had with limiting my decorating palette to match the espresso, cream and lime of the new room. The boxes of more traditional ornaments still sit in the garage, waiting for me to return to them in future years.

The mantle will not get swaged with greenery, but stay in this rather pristine state. There will be no cream quilted stockings to hang here this round, but the old traditional stockings will pop out in the morning, stuffed too full to safely hang.

I loved all the photos of bare branch Christmas trees that I collected on Pinterest, so I made a quick version for my living room coffee table with  frosted branches from Michael's nestled into a crystal vase filled with rock salt and hung with tiny glass balls. I really wanted a huge pot filled with tall white branches, but maybe I can do that next year.

I still didn't get the shelf painted so that the family china can go back into the buffet, but Christmas Eve dinner was served from those plates anyway.

It's time to stop and enjoy what I did accomplish. Dreams are always bigger than reality, but without the dreams we'd stop far short. I hope your dreams took you far this year. Merry Christmas to all!