
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Latest Publication: Bead Design Studio

I'd almost forgotten that Bead Unique (now renamed Bead Design Studio) contacted me weeks ago about including my website in an article on Marketing. They asked to publish my website/blog header and a short marketing tip. Of course, I said YES!

Today I finally spotted in the December 2011 issue (yes, I'm behind!) of Bead Design Studio Magazine, directed toward bead businesses, the informative article "Bead Business Marketing 101" written by Rachel  Baron. The three page article includes info and examples about using business cards, social media, blogs and forums to promote your work. Of course, the rest of the magazine is also packed with beading project tutorials, book and equipment reviews, and lots of tempting ads.

Here's the cover of the issue with the article, although there is a newer issue out since this one.

Thank you, Bead Design Studio! My attempts at presenting a professional presence are paying off.