
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekend Artist Retreat

The fabulous Lora Hart & Lorena Angulo traveled to Austin this weekend to play in my studio. Today's project was torch firing enamels. We dapped copper disks, coated with a white base coat, then outlined in black & finally filled in watercolor with a brush, with firings between each step. This is my demo sample.
Torch-fired enamel by Vickie Hallmark
Here's Lora hard at work on her watercolors. Such concentration.

Lora Hart
Lora Hart painting watercolor enamel

Across the table, Lorena was just as absorbed.

Lorena Angulo
Lorena Angulo painting watercolor enamel
And here are the results.

Torch-fired enamel by Lora Hart

Torch-fired enamel by Lorena Angulo
In between all the enamel, we visited some local galleries, where we got to admire two Cynthia Toops brooches with a loupe.  Tomorrow, we make journals before heading to San Antonio to Lorena's studio for more play time.