
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bird a Week #20 -- Treetop Silver Cuff

While I'm touring around Eastern Europe, I'm not at home working, but I left one new treasure behind that fit the theme.

This cuff was finished the week before I left, at least to the point that I could get it amidst all the packing and last minute minutiae. Early on I planned to add a second layer, either carved and colored faux bone or polymer clay, or maybe even enameled copper. I thought the pop of color would be exciting and the second material would add some much needed strength to an inherently weak silver clay bracelet. Alas, any such treatment will have to wait.

Now it's only a few more days untill I board the return flight. As much as I love traveling, I'm looking forward to being home with my own kitchen (not for long), my own bed and my own studio!