
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Completed Birdhouse Photos

Perhaps you noticed that I bloopered my post for the Artist Village Project? I was scheduled to post on the day I departed for almost three weeks in Eastern Europe. I started the post two weeks prior to that, and having been so ahead-of-the-curve, I felt no angst at all and so forgot to add the finished pictures. I also thought I had the automatic scheduling turned on, but didn't (on that post and another), so when I finally checked up on things during my trip, I was a bit disappointed with my sloppy efforts. What can I say? The end of the homeschool year, a big trip, and lots of last minute kitchen remodel issues just sapped my brain. So, first day at home with my jet lag, photos of the finished birdhouse are in order.

Go here for detail photos and a description of the construction process. 

Here is the description of the project.

And finally, the rest of the Artist Village connections again:
Susan Else (website)                       May 2
Frances Holiday Alford                   May 3
Pamela Allen (website)                    May 4
Frieda Anderson                             May 5
Lisa Call                                         May 6
Jane Davila                                     May 9
Naomi Adams                                May 10
Jamie Fingal                                   May 11
Barb Forrister                                May 12
Vickie Hallmark                             May 13
Connie Hudson                              May 16
Leslie Jenison                                 May 17
Sherri McCauley                            May 18
Judy Coates Perez                         May 19
Melanie Testa                                May 20
Laura Wasilowski                          May 23
Kathy York                                   May 24