Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Electroforming

I'm really enjoying the latest round of electrofoming.

Hands down, electroformed beads are my most popular, and electroforming is the biggest hit in statistics for both my blog and my website.

I've been approached to teach electroforming, so I've been thinking about WHAT I would teach. I don't want to step on the toes of those who have taught basic electroforming for years, such as Kate Fowle Meleney, who brought the old technique of electroforming to the glass bead world. So I've been trying hard to distinguish my work from hers and others. I think this carved style qualifies as unique to me.

So I've been thinking hard about what would be required to teach this carved electroforming technique. It's a bit scary that the economy might put a damper on student availability, but something new hopefully always has possibilities. Want to encourage me???