This resin inlay into silver clay project seems to have dragged on forever, but I'm thrilled to say that it is finished!!
Fussy detail after detail has been attended to:
- replacing some syringe decoration on the drop that came off in the tumbler
- adding the white moon under the resin
- experimenting with alcohol inks on the faux bone, but finally only adding a few marks on the edges for fear the entire thing would be too blue
- waiting for the rainbow topazes to arrive, after deciding they would complement the resin better than laboradorites
- adding extra ball rivets in unplanned places to compensate for placing the bail directly behind the planned top rivet
- experimenting with how to attach the chain for the drop
- struggling with setting the cabs in those bezels -- hard to get to all sides evenly because of stuff in the way!

Even with all the frustrations, I'm quite happy with this new piece. Now, onward! I've got a box to construct and several cool pieces from Kate McKinnon's class to finish. Strap band ring is first up, then the branch with the birdhouse.