Now that I've updated my website considerably, I need to match all my marketing materials to the new branding. Although it would be much easier to hire a graphic artist to do the work, I actually enjoy this type of challenge. I probably break rules that I would know if I'd trained in that field, but at least my aesthetic comes across in my own designs.
business card front |
business card back |
As I worked on the website and marketing materials, it became clear that I was going back over and over to a particular set of images. The text fonts for my name haven't changed in years through many iterations of blog and website headers, but this year I added the swallow in the swoop of the capital H of my last name. I also committed to a particular aqua color theme, primarily because it's a color for stones and resin that I've used repeatedly as it looks so nice with silver. I've had some issues in matching print colors to screen colors, but that's another post.
postcard back |
I also decided to start photographing work for my own publications on a white background. I love how the backgrounds now vanish, leaving the work itself as the sole focus.
Beyond these, I also whipped up some matching letterhead, shipping labels & return address labels as I needed them, and also had a poster printed. Whew! I feel so caught up with my branding and marketing materials. Now I need to start utilizing them wisely.